Bill Stankowski receives the gift of hearing through the Campaign for Better Hearing's Give Back Program.

Bill Stankowski

6/24/2024 12:00:00 AM

Meet Bill Stankowski

Bill Stankowski spent his life taking care of others. He was the recipient of three Purple Hearts and the Silver Star in the U.S. Marine Corp. Bill is a HearingLife patient wearing Oticon More hearing aids. He was so thrilled with his hearing aids, that when his sister needed them, he flew to Milwaukee, WI to take his sister to the local HearingLife and paid for her to get Oticon More™ hearing aids.

Unfortunately, Bill’s wife of 22 years is ill and now lives in a full-time memory care facility over 30 minutes away. Bill visits her twice a day. Due to all the out-of-pocket expenses for his wife’s care, Bill cannot afford to get the latest hearing aids, Oticon Intent™.

The Campaign for Better Hearing’s Give Back Program felt Bill was very deserving of a new pair of hearing aids. It was an honor to give back to the man who spent his life giving to others and protecting our country.

Congratulations, Bill!